When: First practice is week of 3/17, First game is 3/29, Last game is 5/17 including our end of year celebration.
Cost: Early Bird is $165 (optional shorts will be an additional $10); Late fee is $185 (optional shorts will be an additional $10) after February 20th. Cost includes Jersey, socks, magnet, Upward gear, end of season gift and medal.
Contact: Trent Strange, Sports & Recreation Director, at sports@ourfamily.church or 407.876.2234 for questions and to check availability.
Where: Lakeside Fields
When: February the 18th or 20th . Arrive anytime between 5:30 – 7:00 pm. One parent is required to attend.
Who: Evaluations are required for all grades with the exception of pre-K3 and pre-K4 who are not required to attend but are encouraged.
Division Breakdown: Pre-K3–pre-K4, K5–1st, 2nd-3rd, 4th-5th and 6th-8th. Pre-K3-1st are Co-Ed.
Family Church uses Upward Sports to reach the community to help focus on the child’s total sports experience, not just winning the game. Upward Sports is building competitive athletic skills, Christian principles, a safe environment, and a comprehensive experience.
To find more information about the Upward Program Click Here